Attention Writers: NaNoWriMo is coming up!

The month of October is ending, which brings our attention to National Novel Writing Month!

This website is a great way for new writers to experiment in trying out new styles or improving writing skills because of the support and tips given each week for every member who signs up (for free). All a writer needs to do is create an account and they will receive tips and hints toward better writing and avoiding writer’s block, have the opportunity to talk to other writers both online and in person, and be able to track their progress. This year, the inspirational pep talks sent to your personal NaNoWriMo inboxes will be given by published authors such as Lev Grossman, Rainbow Rowell, and James Patterson (to name a few). The site also has a page for forums where writers can post just about anything to the NaNoWriMo community, which is helpful for questions and browsing when you get stuck. The program even shows which writing events are going on in your local area.

If you’re considering writing something but are unsure of what to say, how to start, or need encouragement to keep working on your story, this is a great website to turn to for help. Also, once you’re done, you can submit your new stories to us here at Crossborder!

About Leapfrog Press
Leapfrog Press was created to search out, publish, and aggressively market books that tell a strong story. Leapfrog began its life in Wellfleet, Mass., at the outer end of Cape Cod, in 1993. In 2008 we migrated to Falmouth, Mass., and in 2012 we made the move to Fredonia, N.Y., a town with a rich creative history and an equally rich present in the arts and science. Our list is eclectic and includes quality fiction, poetry, and nonfiction; books that are described by the large commercial publishers as midlist, and which we regard as the heart and soul of literature.

2 Responses to Attention Writers: NaNoWriMo is coming up!

  1. amwein says:

    I love that there is tips for writers block, as well as a connection to people who’ve “made it”. This seems like such an amazing resource for anyone wanting to write, but too overwhelmed by the sheer concept of undertaking something as intense as writing a novel, a short story, etc. it also seems geared towards people who simply don’t have enough hours in the day by making it accessible and available to people in many different situations. Love it!!!

  2. kathrynharo says:

    I have always been awed by those who take on the challenge of NaNoWriMo, it always seemed like such a daunting task to fit into the daily grind. I had no idea that this website existed, I just signed up for it. It’s fantastic to know that there’s a supportive community out there for aspiring writers like this.

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